Last Updated on Thursday, May 9, 2024 by HEET Website Team

In order to keep up with current trends and demands in higher education, several key initiatives will be undertaken at SUA.

Updating Curriculum

The university recognizes the impact of educational technology and modern communication media, as well as the need for industry-aligned curricula. As a proactive measure, SUA will continuously update its curricula and introduce innovative pedagogical methodologies. Special attention will be given to students with special learning needs, aiming to promote educational equity and inclusiveness. The university plans to provide support and assistance to these students, enabling them to thrive in their academic pursuits.

To ensure relevance and alignment with the job market, a systematic review of curricula in various programs will be conducted. This review will involve needs assessment and tracer studies, engaging stakeholders from the job market, including future employers, alumni, and others. The goal is to identify skill gaps and prepare graduates for the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution. The university will benchmark its curricula against internationally recognized and industry-aligned standards.

Furthermore, SUA recognizes the importance of addressing climate change. As part of its commitment to climate adaptation and mitigation, contents related to climate change will be integrated into various disciplines during curriculum review and when developing new programs. The university aims to play a leadership role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and responding to the impacts of climate change.

Introducing Innovative Pedagogies

Promoting inclusive education is a priority at SUA. To achieve this, the university plans to implement the following strategies:

i) Pedagogical skill training programs will be reconfigured to equip staff with the capacity to identify and support students with special learning needs.

ii) A Help unit/desk will be established to coordinate support services for students with special needs.

iii) Institutional mechanisms will be formulated to provide ongoing support to students with special needs.

In addition, SUA will focus on student-centered learning approaches and enhance learning, training, and research resources. Efforts will be made to improve access to learning materials and resources, with particular attention given to upgrading the library’s digital resources.

To effectively introduce innovative pedagogical methodologies, academic staff/faculty will undergo training to equip them with the necessary skills and approaches to enhance student learning. Workshops and training events, conducted with the support of internal and external experts, will play a crucial role in this capacity-building process.

SUA is committed to ensuring that teaching and learning materials are designed inclusively, taking into account the needs of students with disabilities. By embracing these initiatives, the university aims to create a dynamic and inclusive learning environment for all its students.